Year | Corpus Name | Number of documents |
1965 | coling | 24 |
1966 | cath | 7 |
1967 | cath coling | 54 |
1968 | cath | 17 |
1969 | cath | 24 |
1970 | cath | 18 |
1971 | cath | 20 |
1972 | cath | 19 |
1973 | cath coling | 80 |
1974 | cath | 25 |
1975 | cath taslp | 131 |
1976 | cath taslp | 135 |
1977 | cath taslp | 139 |
1978 | cath taslp | 155 |
1979 | acl cath taslp | 179 |
1980 | acl cath cl coling taslp | 307 |
1981 | acl cath cl taslp | 274 |
1982 | acl cath cl coling speechc taslp | 363 |
1983 | acl anlp cath cl eacl speechc taslp | 350 |
1984 | acl cath cl speechc taslp | 348 |
1985 | acl cath cl eacl speechc taslp | 378 |
1986 | acl cath cl coling csal hlt speechc taslp | 510 |
1987 | acl cath cl csal eacl isca mts speechc taslp | 669 |
1988 | acl anlp cath cl coling modulad speechc taslp | 545 |
1989 | acl cath cl csal eacl hlt isca modulad mts speechc taslp | 955 |
1990 | acl cath cl coling csal hlt icassps isca modulad speechc taslp | 1277 |
1991 | acl cath cl csal eacl hlt icassps isca modulad mts muc speechc taslp | 1378 |
1992 | acl anlp cath cl coling csal hlt icassps isca modulad muc speechc taslp trec | 1611 |
1993 | acl cath cl csal eacl hlt icassps isca modulad mts muc speechc taslp tipster trec | 1239 |
1994 | acl anlp cath cl coling csal hlt icassps isca modulad speechc taslp trec | 1454 |
1995 | acl cath cl csal eacl icassps isca ltc modulad mts muc paclic speechc taslp trec | 1208 |
1996 | acl cath cl coling csal emnlp icassps inlg isca modulad paclic speechc taslp tipster trec | 1536 |
1997 | acl anlp cath cl conll csal emnlp icassps isca modulad mts speechc taln taslp trec | 1530 |
1998 | acl cath cl csal emnlp icassps isca lrec modulad muc paclic speechc taln taslp tipster trec | 1952 |
1999 | acl cath cl conll csal eacl emnlp icassps isca modulad mts paclic speechc taln taslp trec | 1602 |
2000 | acl anlp cath cl coling conll csal emnlp icassps inlg isca lrec modulad naacl paclic speechc taln taslp trec | 2271 |
2001 | acl cath cl conll csal emnlp hlt icassps isca modulad mts naacl paclic sem speechc taln taslp trec | 1644 |
2002 | acl cath cl coling conll csal emnlp icassps isca jep lrec modulad paclic speechc taln taslp trec | 2169 |
2003 | acl alta cath cl conll csal eacl emnlp hlt icassps isca modulad mts paclic speechc taln taslp trec | 1984 |
2004 | acl acmtslp alta cath cl coling conll csal emnlp hlt icassps isca jep lrec modulad paclic sem speechc taln taslp trec | 2711 |
2005 | acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal emnlp icassps ijcnlp isca lre ltc modulad mts paclic speechc taln taslp trec | 2355 |
2006 | acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal eacl emnlp hlt icassps inlg isca lre lrec modulad paclic speechc tal taln taslp trec | 2794 |
2007 | acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal hlt icassps isca lre ltc modulad mts paclic sem speechc tal taln taslp trec | 2489 |
2008 | acl acmtslp alta cl coling conll csal emnlp icassps ijcnlp inlg isca jep lre lrec modulad paclic speechc tal taln taslp trec | 3078 |
2009 | acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal eacl emnlp hlt icassps isca lre ltc modulad mts paclic ranlp speechc tal taln taslp trec | 2634 |
2010 | acl acmtslp alta cl coling conll csal emnlp hlt icassps inlg isca lre lrec modulad paclic sem speechc tal taln taslp trec | 3470 |
2011 | acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal emnlp icassps ijcnlp isca lre ltc mts paclic ranlp speechc tal taln taslp trec | 2956 |
2012 | acl acmtslp alta cl coling conll csal eacl hlt icassps inlg isca jep lre lrec paclic sem speechc tal taln taslp trec | 3419 |
2013 | acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal emnlp hlt icassps ijcnlp isca lre ltc mts paclic ranlp sem speechc tacl tal taln taslp trec | 3336 |
2014 | acl alta cl coling conll csal eacl emnlp icassps inlg isca jep lre lrec paclic sem speechc tacl tal taln taslp trec | 3816 |
2015 | acl conll csal emnlp hlt icassps isca lre ltc mts sem speechc tacl tal taln taslp trec | 3314 |
short name | # docs | format | long name | language | access to content | period | # venues |
acl | 4264 | conference | Association for Computational Linguistics Conference | English | open access * | 1979-2015 | 37 |
acmtslp | 82 | journal | ACM Transaction on Speech and Language Processing | English | private access | 2004-2013 | 10 |
alta | 262 | conference | Australasian Language Technology Association | English | open access * | 2003-2014 | 12 |
anlp | 278 | conference | Applied Natural Language Processing | English | open access * | 1983-2000 | 6 |
cath | 927 | journal | Computers and the Humanities | English | private access | 1966-2004 | 39 |
cl | 751 | journal | American Journal of Computational Linguistics | English | open access * | 1980-2014 | 35 |
coling | 3812 | conference | Conference on Computational Linguistics | English | open access * | 1965-2014 | 21 |
conll | 842 | conference | Computational Natural Language Learning | English | open access * | 1997-2015 | 18 |
csal | 762 | journal | Computer Speech and Language | English | private access | 1986-2015 | 29 |
eacl | 900 | conference | European Chapter of the ACL | English | open access * | 1983-2014 | 14 |
emnlp | 2020 | conference | Empirical methods in natural language processing | English | open access * | 1996-2015 | 20 |
hlt | 2219 | conference | Human Language Technology | English | open access * | 1986-2015 | 19 |
icassps | 9818 | conference | IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Speech Track | English | private access | 1990-2015 | 26 |
ijcnlp | 1188 | conference | International Joint Conference on NLP | English | open access * | 2005-2015 | 6 |
inlg | 227 | conference | International Conference on Natural Language Generation | English | open access * | 1996-2014 | 7 |
isca | 18363 | conference | International Speech Communication Association | English | open access | 1987-2015 | 28 |
jep | 506 | conference | Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole | French | open access * | 2002-2014 | 5 |
lre | 308 | journal | Language Resources and Evaluation | English | private access | 2005-2015 | 11 |
lrec | 4552 | conference | Language Resources and Evaluation Conference | English | open access * | 1998-2014 | 9 |
ltc | 656 | conference | Language and Technology Conference | English | private access | 1995-2015 | 7 |
modulad | 232 | journal | Le Monde des Utilisateurs de L'Analyse des Données | French | open access | 1988-2010 | 23 |
mts | 795 | conference | Machine Translation Summit | English | open access | 1987-2015 | 15 |
muc | 149 | conference | Message Understanding Conference | English | open access * | 1991-1998 | 5 |
naacl | 1186 | conference | North American Chapter of the ACL | English | open access * | 2000-2015 | 11 |
paclic | 1039 | conference | Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation | English | open access * | 1995-2014 | 19 |
ranlp | 363 | conference | Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing | English | open access * | 2009-2013 | 3 |
sem | 949 | conference | Lexical and Computational Semantics / Semantic Evaluation | English | open access * | 2001-2015 | 8 |
speechc | 593 | journal | Speech Communication | English | private access | 1982-2015 | 34 |
tacl | 92 | journal | Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics | English | open access * | 2013-2015 | 3 |
tal | 177 | journal | Revue Traitement Automatique du Langage | French | open access | 2006-2015 | 10 |
taln | 1019 | conference | Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel | French | open access * | 1997-2015 | 19 |
taslp | 6604 | journal | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing | English | private access | 1975-2015 | 41 |
tipster | 105 | conference | Tipster DARPA text program | English | open access * | 1993-1998 | 3 |
trec | 1847 | conference | Text Retrieval Conference | English | open access | 1992-2015 | 24 |
cell total | 67887 | | | | | 1965-2015 | 577 |
Genre | Corpora | Number of documents |
ACLAnthology | acl, alta, anlp, cl, coling, conll, eacl, emnlp, hlt, ijcnlp, inlg, jep, lrec, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, tacl, taln, tipster | 23789 |
NLPOriented | acl, alta, anlp, cath, cl, coling, conll, eacl, emnlp, hlt, ijcnlp, inlg, lre, lrec, ltc, mts, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, tacl, tal, taln, tipster, trec | 27993 |
SpeechOriented | acmtslp, csal, icassps, isca, jep, lre, lrec, ltc, mts, speechc, taslp | 43039 |
IROriented | modulad, muc, tipster, trec | 2333 |
ACLAnthologyIsca | acl, alta, anlp, cl, coling, conll, eacl, emnlp, hlt, ijcnlp, inlg, isca, jep, lrec, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, tacl, taln, tipster | 42152 |
OpenSource | acl, alta, anlp, cl, coling, conll, eacl, emnlp, hlt, ijcnlp, inlg, isca, jep, lrec, modulad, mts, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, tacl, tal, taln, tipster, trec | 45203 |
AllCorpora | acl, acmtslp, alta, anlp, cath, cl, coling, conll, csal, eacl, emnlp, hlt, icassps, ijcnlp, inlg, isca, jep, lre, lrec, ltc, modulad, mts, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, speechc, tacl, tal, taln, taslp, tipster, trec | 64953 |
Access | Corpora | Number of documents | Percentage |
freeAccess | acl, alta, anlp, cl, coling, conll, eacl, emnlp, hlt, ijcnlp, inlg, isca, jep, lrec, modulad, mts, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, tacl, tal, taln, tipster, trec | 45203 | 69.593 |
privateAccess | acmtslp, cath, csal, icassps, lre, ltc, speechc, taslp | 19750 | 30.407 |
contentNotIncluded | | 0 | 0.000 |
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