General counting 

Number of types of conferences34ex: acl
Number of venues/issues including joint conferences577ex: acl1979
Number of venues/issues counting once the joint conferences558 
Number of authors48854ex: A Abdelsalam
Number of papers64953ex: A00-1001
Number of papers with the same title233ex: "A Spousal Relation Begins with a Deletion of engage and Ends with an Addition of divorce": Learning State Changing Verbs from Wikipedia Revision History
Shortest titleMTS1989-8LMT
Longest titleF12-1096Exploitation d'une marge de tolérance de classification pour améliorer l'apprentissage de modèles acoustiques de classes en reconnaissance de la parole (Exploitation of a classification tolerance margin for improving the estimation of class-based acoustic models for speech recognition)

 Distribution per year 

YearCorpus NameNumber of documents
1967cath coling54
1973cath coling80
1975cath taslp131
1976cath taslp135
1977cath taslp139
1978cath taslp155
1979acl cath taslp179
1980acl cath cl coling taslp307
1981acl cath cl taslp274
1982acl cath cl coling speechc taslp363
1983acl anlp cath cl eacl speechc taslp350
1984acl cath cl speechc taslp348
1985acl cath cl eacl speechc taslp378
1986acl cath cl coling csal hlt speechc taslp510
1987acl cath cl csal eacl isca mts speechc taslp669
1988acl anlp cath cl coling modulad speechc taslp545
1989acl cath cl csal eacl hlt isca modulad mts speechc taslp955
1990acl cath cl coling csal hlt icassps isca modulad speechc taslp1277
1991acl cath cl csal eacl hlt icassps isca modulad mts muc speechc taslp1378
1992acl anlp cath cl coling csal hlt icassps isca modulad muc speechc taslp trec1611
1993acl cath cl csal eacl hlt icassps isca modulad mts muc speechc taslp tipster trec1239
1994acl anlp cath cl coling csal hlt icassps isca modulad speechc taslp trec1454
1995acl cath cl csal eacl icassps isca ltc modulad mts muc paclic speechc taslp trec1208
1996acl cath cl coling csal emnlp icassps inlg isca modulad paclic speechc taslp tipster trec1536
1997acl anlp cath cl conll csal emnlp icassps isca modulad mts speechc taln taslp trec1530
1998acl cath cl csal emnlp icassps isca lrec modulad muc paclic speechc taln taslp tipster trec1952
1999acl cath cl conll csal eacl emnlp icassps isca modulad mts paclic speechc taln taslp trec1602
2000acl anlp cath cl coling conll csal emnlp icassps inlg isca lrec modulad naacl paclic speechc taln taslp trec2271
2001acl cath cl conll csal emnlp hlt icassps isca modulad mts naacl paclic sem speechc taln taslp trec1644
2002acl cath cl coling conll csal emnlp icassps isca jep lrec modulad paclic speechc taln taslp trec2169
2003acl alta cath cl conll csal eacl emnlp hlt icassps isca modulad mts paclic speechc taln taslp trec1984
2004acl acmtslp alta cath cl coling conll csal emnlp hlt icassps isca jep lrec modulad paclic sem speechc taln taslp trec2711
2005acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal emnlp icassps ijcnlp isca lre ltc modulad mts paclic speechc taln taslp trec2355
2006acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal eacl emnlp hlt icassps inlg isca lre lrec modulad paclic speechc tal taln taslp trec2794
2007acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal hlt icassps isca lre ltc modulad mts paclic sem speechc tal taln taslp trec2489
2008acl acmtslp alta cl coling conll csal emnlp icassps ijcnlp inlg isca jep lre lrec modulad paclic speechc tal taln taslp trec3078
2009acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal eacl emnlp hlt icassps isca lre ltc modulad mts paclic ranlp speechc tal taln taslp trec2634
2010acl acmtslp alta cl coling conll csal emnlp hlt icassps inlg isca lre lrec modulad paclic sem speechc tal taln taslp trec3470
2011acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal emnlp icassps ijcnlp isca lre ltc mts paclic ranlp speechc tal taln taslp trec2956
2012acl acmtslp alta cl coling conll csal eacl hlt icassps inlg isca jep lre lrec paclic sem speechc tal taln taslp trec3419
2013acl acmtslp alta cl conll csal emnlp hlt icassps ijcnlp isca lre ltc mts paclic ranlp sem speechc tacl tal taln taslp trec3336
2014acl alta cl coling conll csal eacl emnlp icassps inlg isca jep lre lrec paclic sem speechc tacl tal taln taslp trec3816
2015acl conll csal emnlp hlt icassps isca lre ltc mts sem speechc tacl tal taln taslp trec3314

 Distribution per corpus 

Note: for a joint conference (which is a rather infrequent situation), the paper is counted once in each conference.
So, the sum of all cells is slightly more important than the total number of papers which is 64953.

short name# docsformatlong namelanguageaccess to contentperiod# venues
acl4264conferenceAssociation for Computational Linguistics ConferenceEnglishopen access *1979-201537
acmtslp82journalACM Transaction on Speech and Language ProcessingEnglishprivate access2004-201310
alta262conferenceAustralasian Language Technology AssociationEnglishopen access *2003-201412
anlp278conferenceApplied Natural Language ProcessingEnglishopen access *1983-20006
cath927journalComputers and the HumanitiesEnglishprivate access1966-200439
cl751journalAmerican Journal of Computational LinguisticsEnglishopen access *1980-201435
coling3812conferenceConference on Computational LinguisticsEnglishopen access *1965-201421
conll842conferenceComputational Natural Language LearningEnglishopen access *1997-201518
csal762journalComputer Speech and LanguageEnglishprivate access1986-201529
eacl900conferenceEuropean Chapter of the ACLEnglishopen access *1983-201414
emnlp2020conferenceEmpirical methods in natural language processingEnglishopen access *1996-201520
hlt2219conferenceHuman Language TechnologyEnglishopen access *1986-201519
icassps9818conferenceIEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Speech TrackEnglishprivate access1990-201526
ijcnlp1188conferenceInternational Joint Conference on NLPEnglishopen access *2005-20156
inlg227conferenceInternational Conference on Natural Language GenerationEnglishopen access *1996-20147
isca18363conferenceInternational Speech Communication AssociationEnglishopen access1987-201528
jep506conferenceJournées d'Etudes sur la ParoleFrenchopen access *2002-20145
lre308journalLanguage Resources and EvaluationEnglishprivate access2005-201511
lrec4552conferenceLanguage Resources and Evaluation ConferenceEnglishopen access *1998-20149
ltc656conferenceLanguage and Technology ConferenceEnglishprivate access1995-20157
modulad232journalLe Monde des Utilisateurs de L'Analyse des DonnéesFrenchopen access1988-201023
mts795conferenceMachine Translation SummitEnglishopen access1987-201515
muc149conferenceMessage Understanding ConferenceEnglishopen access *1991-19985
naacl1186conferenceNorth American Chapter of the ACLEnglishopen access *2000-201511
paclic1039conferencePacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and ComputationEnglishopen access *1995-201419
ranlp363conferenceRecent Advances in Natural Language ProcessingEnglishopen access *2009-20133
sem949conferenceLexical and Computational Semantics / Semantic EvaluationEnglishopen access *2001-20158
speechc593journalSpeech CommunicationEnglishprivate access1982-201534
tacl92journalTransactions of the Association for Computational LinguisticsEnglishopen access *2013-20153
tal177journalRevue Traitement Automatique du LangageFrenchopen access2006-201510
taln1019conferenceTraitement Automatique du Langage NaturelFrenchopen access *1997-201519
taslp6604journalIEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language ProcessingEnglishprivate access1975-201541
tipster105conferenceTipster DARPA text programEnglishopen access *1993-19983
trec1847conferenceText Retrieval ConferenceEnglishopen access1992-201524
cell total67887    1965-2015577

 Distribution per corpus genre (with unduplication for joint conf) 

GenreCorporaNumber of documents
ACLAnthologyacl, alta, anlp, cl, coling, conll, eacl, emnlp, hlt, ijcnlp, inlg, jep, lrec, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, tacl, taln, tipster23789
NLPOrientedacl, alta, anlp, cath, cl, coling, conll, eacl, emnlp, hlt, ijcnlp, inlg, lre, lrec, ltc, mts, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, tacl, tal, taln, tipster, trec27993
SpeechOrientedacmtslp, csal, icassps, isca, jep, lre, lrec, ltc, mts, speechc, taslp43039
IROrientedmodulad, muc, tipster, trec2333
ACLAnthologyIscaacl, alta, anlp, cl, coling, conll, eacl, emnlp, hlt, ijcnlp, inlg, isca, jep, lrec, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, tacl, taln, tipster42152
OpenSourceacl, alta, anlp, cl, coling, conll, eacl, emnlp, hlt, ijcnlp, inlg, isca, jep, lrec, modulad, mts, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, tacl, tal, taln, tipster, trec45203
AllCorporaacl, acmtslp, alta, anlp, cath, cl, coling, conll, csal, eacl, emnlp, hlt, icassps, ijcnlp, inlg, isca, jep, lre, lrec, ltc, modulad, mts, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, speechc, tacl, tal, taln, taslp, tipster, trec64953

 Distribution per content access rights (with unduplication for joint conf) 

AccessCorporaNumber of documentsPercentage
freeAccessacl, alta, anlp, cl, coling, conll, eacl, emnlp, hlt, ijcnlp, inlg, isca, jep, lrec, modulad, mts, muc, naacl, paclic, ranlp, sem, tacl, tal, taln, tipster, trec4520369.593
privateAccessacmtslp, cath, csal, icassps, lre, ltc, speechc, taslp1975030.407

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computed on: Sun Sep 11 13:41:10 CEST 2016